Monday, September 12, 2011

An old golden retriever who was in chronic pain. It was the first house call I'd ever gone on and was less traumatic than expected.


Blogger Angus said...

A big thank you for people who have compassion for the little things.

Blogger Jennifer said...

I love animals so much. So glad that you love them too and are able to work showing compassion for them.

Anonymous foffmom said...

Our vet is a vet on wheels, and consequently, all of our animals at the end have been euthanized at home. I cannot imagine having to bring in a dying pet, particularly if vet-phobic. He even brings the body to the pet crematorium as part of the service, and sends a sympathy card. I know, we are spoiled. Having a caring vet makes a hard task easier.

Blogger ~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

As I sit here this evening with a 13 year old Golden that's not doing so well, I am reminded of how thankful I am for caregivers like you who make a difference for pet and owners...thank-you for that.


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